
ChatGPT Experiment: Using ChatGPT to identify red flags and personality disorders

I previously used ChatGPT to analyse WhatsApp messages from my mother running from January through to March to identify abusive behaviour.

I have been using ChatGPT and AI an increasing amount, and it is interesting to see how it deals with different requests.

My mother is writing an autobiography, and in the early days of our relationship, we emailed quite a bit.

I extracted various quotes from her book and the emails and fed them into ChatGPT asking it:

The below is some things my mother has said in her book or emailed to me. Please can you identify any red flags and suggest if she might have a personality disorder and what it may be? I know you are not a professional but I just want an unbiased opinion on some of the things she said.

Of course, I realise ChatGPT is not a professional and can’t diagnose anyone. Me selectively choosing quotes is inevitably biased, and I am sure it could be argued that I am manipulating the truth by taking quotes out of context.

However, the response was good and backed up my opinion of her and what my therapist has said about her:

ChatGPT Response

I’m not a mental health professional, but I can offer some observations based on the quotes you’ve provided. It’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


  1. Emotional Intensity: Your mother seems to experience emotions intensely, especially when she feels let down or disappointed. This could indicate a heightened sensitivity to emotional stimuli.
  2. Impulsivity: There are instances where she appears to make impulsive decisions, such as overspending on interior decoration and using a grant for non-intended purposes.
  3. Relationship Struggles: She mentions difficulties in maintaining relationships, both romantic and familial. She also talks about “carelessly misplacing” love, which could indicate instability in relationships.
  4. Control Issues: She acknowledges that she has been called “power crazy and controlling,” which could be indicative of issues related to control and power dynamics in relationships.
  5. Challenges with Boundaries: She discusses her son (youngest son/my brother) struggles in a way that might be considered oversharing, especially in a public forum like a book or an email. This could indicate a lack of boundaries.
  6. Defiance: She mentions that being told she can’t do something “never goes down well” with her, which could suggest a defiant attitude.
  7. Mixed Feelings about Mental Health: She seems to have conflicting feelings about her youngest son’s mental health diagnosis, oscillating between sympathy and frustration.

Possible Personality Disorder Indicators:

  1. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): Emotional intensity, impulsivity, and unstable relationships are some of the hallmarks of BPD.
  2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): The need for control and the defiance against authority could be indicative of NPD traits.
  3. Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): The emotional intensity and possibly dramatic reactions could suggest traits associated with HPD.

Again, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis. Personality disorders are complex and require a thorough evaluation by a qualified professional.

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